Root canal treatment – endodontics at the dental practice at Reichenbachplatz
In a healthy tooth, the enamel and dentine offer robust protection for the interior pulp, which contains the root. The pulp extends down, in one or more canals, to the tips of the root. If an infection occurs in the nerve, or is already more advanced, then discomfort is the result. If left untreated, the infection will continue to develop, causing increasingly intense pain, and potentially leading to an abscess and the spreading of the bacteria in the bloodstream throughout the whole body.

Dental nerve infection can have many causes:
- Deep tooth decay
- Damaged periodontal apparatus (periodontitis)
- Fractures and cracks in the tooth
Through these defects, doors are opened to bacteria that can then reach the interior of the tooth and infect the nerve. Symptoms include pain, delayed or increased sensitivity to heat or cold, swelling, or a feeling of pressure. In such cases, a root canal treatment is the only chance to save the tooth. The earlier an infection is recognized, the higher the chances of a successful treatment. If the infection is left for a longer time, bacteria can enter the bloodstream, putting a burden on the whole body. Another deciding factor in the success rate of treatment is the precision and care of the dental practitioner. That’s why we like to take lots of time, and use the latest methods and most up-to-date devices. The more precisely the fine structures of the root canal are cleaned and closed afterwards, the better the prognosis for your tooth.
Before a root canal treatment begins, the tooth will be locally anaesthetized so that the process can remain painless. After this, a small protective sheet – known as a dental dam – is placed over the tooth to keep bacteria away from the area of operation and to avoid a recontamination of the root through infected saliva.
Next the tooth is opened and the various root canals located. After determining the length of the root electronically, the canals are thoroughly cleaned out using fine-tune flexible instruments and disinfectant solution. Using the latest technology, the canal system can then be completely shaped, filled with the biocompatible rubber material known as Guttapercha, and finally sealed. At the end of the treatment the tooth will be made closed to bacterial contamination, in order to avoid a re-infection of the root filling. In further treatment steps, a root-filled tooth will be protected with a partial or full crown to prevent cracking.
In individual cases the treatment can be carried out in a single appointment. In most cases however two or three appointments are necessary.
The costs of a root canal treatment are dependent on the time taken for the process and the complexity of the root canal structural anatomy.
Private health insurance companies will cover the costs. Statutory insurance covers part of the cost in most cases. Statutory patients with additional insurance will have their costs met depending on the individual tariff chosen.
Zahnarzt München Zentrum am Gärtnerplatz
Rumfordstr. 5
80469 München
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