Dental treatments before and after

New restoration of the upper jaw with all-ceramic veneers and crowns

The patient was disturbed by the very dominant anterior restorations of the upper four incisors, one of which had loosened a crown and resulted in a gap between the teeth. In addition, they were metal-ceramic crowns that appeared very opaque and artificial

After detailed consultation and planning, the esthetic and functional rehabilitation of the maxilla was discussed with the patient. For this purpose, it was necessary to restore posterior teeth in addition to the 4 incisors in order to create a stable anterior canine. In addition, this allowed the upper dental arch to be shaped in order to widen the smile. The teeth were restored with all-ceramic crowns, partial crowns and veneers.

Bleaching and veneers in combination

The patient wished to have a brighter smile and to have her existing, grayish veneers resurfaced

After home bleaching with bleaching trays custom-made in our practice, the two central incisors were restored with new veneers. These were bonded to the tooth surface using adhesive technology. This made it possible to create an invisible restoration for an aesthetically perfect, natural smile.

Smile correction for unequal tooth length

The patient presented with unequal length anterior teeth with severe abrasion (loss of tooth substance) on the anterior teeth in the maxilla and mandible

With the help of composite, the tooth lengths of the upper and lower anterior teeth were adjusted directly in the patient’s mouth within only one treatment session according to esthetic and functional aspects.

Correction of a dental malocclusion and widening of the smile

The patient was mainly disturbed by the diverging and interlocked anterior teeth. In addition, the missing buccal corridor on her right side.

With the help of removable, transparent Invisalign aligners, the dental arches in the upper and lower jaw could be shaped and harmonized in only 4 months

Veneers of the upper incisors for the treatment of enamel defects

There were severe yellow-brownish enamel defects on the two upper central anterior teeth as well as noticeable fillings on the tooth necks of the lateral anterior teeth. The patient wanted a long-term durable and color-perfect restoration in ceramic.

The four upper incisors were restored with thin, highly esthetic ceramic veneers. This involved minimally invasive preparation (purely in the enamel). The veneers are bonded to the tooth surface (adhesive technique); no visible margins or transitions are left.

Closing of tooth gaps with composite

After completing orthodontic treatment, the patient disturbed her tooth gap between the central and lateral incisor on the upper right side

The possible options were discussed in detail with the patient:

  • Close the gap by widening the lateral incisor with composite.
  • Closing the gap with a single ceramic veneer (advantage of longer durability and color stability in contrast to composite)

Since the patient did not want minimal preparation of the tooth surface, she decided to close the gap with composite.

Tooth whitening and replacement of discolored fillings

The patient was bothered by his dark tooth color and severely discolored fillings

After an in-office whitening in our practice, the insufficient fillings were exchanged and color-matched to the new light tooth color.


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Zahnarzt München Zentrum am Gärtnerplatz
Rumfordstr. 5
80469 München


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+49 (0) 89 268 415